Together with Prabitha Urwyler and Rashmi Rai-Rawat from actionuni, I organized a workshop on „Open Science: What it is and what it means for you as early-career researcher“. The event took place on 29 April 2021 and was open to all early-career researchers of Switzerland. I first introduced the topic of Open Science; participants then worked in groups to identify the structural conditions of their home university. The slides for the workshop are available on zenodo; a short report can be found here. The introduction on Open Science will soon be available as podcast.
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Alumni colloquium @ ES / UZH on dialect variation
On 27 August 2019, I gave a 1-hour colloquium for secondary school teachers on the topic of „Exploring dialect variation in Englishes world-wide: How to prepare students for linguistic diversity“. The materials can be downloaded here:
- presentation [slides]
- a short exercise to use eWAVE [Exercise ewave]
- my task sheet that I had used for a dialects project with 3rd year students in secondary school [task sheet dialects project]
- the reading sources for that dialects project [reading sources for dialects project]